Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Add Inches To Your Arms With Kettle Bell Exercises

By Rostov Lemani

For many years, kettlebells have been popular among Russian athletes needing to build their strength and endurance. Recently, these exercise devices became quite popular among western bodybuilders and sportsmen as well. One of the exercises that they most love doing are the ones that work hard on the arm muscles.

The rack squat is maybe one of the finest kettlebell arm exercises, which you must include in your workout routine. Not only does this exercise prepare your arms effectively for concentrated movements, but it also works your glutes and offers a full-body workout.

Kettlebell Exercise Video

This exercise is performed with one arm at a time. Flex your arm and hold your elbow by your hip, holding the weight such that it rests between your lower and upper arm. This is the beginning position, which is also known as the rack position.

You should then squat as deep as you can while making sure that the hand with the kettlebell remains relaxed and your other hand doesn't rest on your thigh. Be certain to keep your heels flat on the ground when you squat and ensure your knees do not roll inward. It is advised that you do 3 sets for each arm with 8 repetitions per set.

Don't forget to warm-up correctly before you execute any exercise so as to avoid injury. You must remember to always keep the proper form with each kettlebell exercise. Your core should be kept tight and your back straight throughout each movement.

Similarly, you should breathe properly and use weights that are just adequately heavy to challenge your muscles, but not too heavy as to cause too much strain. The amount of resistance for each exercise should allow you to do 10-12 reps in proper form. If you feel your bell is not heavy enough then dont select a larger weight, slow down the exercise instead. Try taking 20 seconds per rep instead of your normal 2 and you will soon find the bells are quite heavy enough thank you! To give your arm muscles enough time to get over a workout and grow larger, you should take at least a day off between workouts.

Battling To Build Muscle Fast? You Need Powerbell. Seven Kettlebells In One. The Ultimate Combination Of Strength And Cardio.

How do I start living Healthily right away?

By Arden Rois

More and more evidence is piling up showing how important our diet and daily lifestyle is to our health and well being. This should feel like good news is because it proves that you now have lots of control over your health. On the other hand, this also means that you need to try hard to improve your health, especially if you have obesity problems and that is often difficult for some individuals. If you put some of the following tips to good use you will soon notice a difference and agree with me that it is absolutely worth the effort.

If you want to get more nutrition out of your food then you should vary your diet often. You need lots of varied amino acids, minerals and vitamins which can all be gotten out of any food without pills. Not only should you eat food that is healthy but you should also eat food from different food groups. For example, you've certainly heard that it's healthy to eat fruits and vegetables, but that doesn't mean you have to eat an apple and a portion of spinach every single day. With loads of fruits and vegetables you should be adventurous as there are lots to choose from. There are also loads of different foods with protein, carbohydrates and whole grain in. Even fats form a part of the fully balanced diet you need. Don't get stuck in a rut with food, but add some variety.
Click to Enlarge

 The same advice goes for quantity of food as it does for quality. Try not to eat for one day a week, eat quite a lot the day after, not very much the day after that and then eat normally the rest of the week. This helps your body realise that it has to burn fat, and helps keep your metabolism high which promotes fat, rather than muscle loss when dieting if you need to lose. The SAS when not fighting fast for two days a week with a minimum of two days in between the days. 

Yet again varied exercise is good, especially if you are doing workouts with weights. There is nothing that will boost you so much as doing 14 days mid range reps with mid range weights and then 7 days really piling on as much weight as you can lift. Follow this with at least three days off to give your body time to grow. Repeat, and  you will be amazed!

Science has proven that a person's social life directly impacts how healthy he or she may be. People who spend time socializing tend to be healthier and live longer than people who are more isolated. This is another place in which you can improve your life. Make an effort to get involved in activities that you enjoy and where you can interact with others. Physical activities can be even healthier because you'll be getting exercise and socializing at the same time. Don't wait for other people to extend invitations to you; make the effort to reach out and organize social events yourself.

Think of any weight loss required as a long term goal, not something which will be accomplished in a few of weeks. Crash diets and extremely low calorie diets are not healthy, and they often lead to binge eating, and gaining back all the weight that you lost. It is a lot healthier to make gradual changes as your body does not like to gain or lose weight quickly. This will also allow you to maintain a lower weight, as your body has time to adjust to your new eating and exercise habits.

Losing weight can be a good thing, but you need to understand that if it's done too quickly you cannot stay healthy. Now it is down to you to implement these changes that we've seen in this article regarding improving health. It isn't too difficult to change, you just have to retrain yourself, and this can be done at whatever speed you like. It's exactly like how you allowed yourself to get used to practices that were unhealthy, you must just give yourself time to get healthier too.

For ultimate looks you need to consider a fluid loss program too. Excess fluid under the skin can hide muscles just as successfully as flab. This does not mean that no water is consumed, a minimum of two pints a day but with no other drinks at all is a good program for most people.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Geocaching , the modern Orienteering!

Wickipedia says Geocaching is an outdoor sporting activity in which the participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or mobile device and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches" or "caches", anywhere in the world. This rather dry description does not do the sport justice.

Geocaching Video

For the traditional geocache, a geocacher will place a waterproof container containing a log book (with pen or pencil) and trade items then record the cache's coordinates. These coordinates, along with other details of the location, are posted on a listing site like

Others obtain the coordinates from a listing site and seek out the cache using their GPS hand held receivers or a map and compass. The finder records his exploits in the logbook and on line. Geocachers are free to take objects (except the logbook, pencil, or stamp) from the cache in exchange for leaving something of similar or higher value. You can choose to geocache the old fashioned way. Even though the caches are given gps coordinates these can be viewed on Google Earth and related to map positions.

There are caches in towns, on top of mountains, in beautiful country, on beaches and even underwater. In fact if you can think of a place there is probably a cache there or nearby, worldwide. In areas with famous places such as the Whitehouse there will be dozens! There are over 1.5 million GeoCaches registered on one website alone.

What can you leave? Well frequent visitors include keyrings, plastic toys from happy meals, star wars miniatures and baseball cards. Tarot cards and wierder objects are not unknown and legend has it there is a diamond ring in one cache in Wisconsin. So long as the item is of equal or greater monetary value then you can leave it. Some items travel from box to box for years and there is a whole subculture about tracking the movements of these items.

If you are disabled you can still geocache by creating caches that you can reach and monitoring the contents! If you are handy with tools there are a lot of amazing caches around, some of which involve multiple steps to find them!

Its a great low cost, low environmental impact sport that you can do from where you are now! As I write this I am within easy walking distance of not one but 15 caches! Wherever you go on holiday anyway, you can geocache!

Friday, September 9, 2011

How do I build great pecs in no time at all?

A lot of guys are wondering exactly how to build chest muscles that they can be proud of without having to resort to any unhealthy techniques or unproven bodybuilding supplements. If this describes you, take comfort in the fact that building chest muscles is a lot like building muscle on any other body part. A lot of guys think that they need to be following some sort of "advanced" training routine in order to sculpt a more muscular chest, but that's just not the truth. In order to build a bigger more muscular chest, all you need to do is combine intelligent weight training workouts with a muscle building diet. Read through the tips listed below and get a clear understanding of exactly what you need to do to build your chest muscles.

Well-built chest muscles are one of the most noticeable body features you can have on your body. If you have been trying to build those chest muscles but haven't seen any changes yet, then you might be doing the wrong exercises. Before you begin your training, you should be well informed on what kinds of exercises target your pectorals. You cannot just do exercises that are not really focusing on the area that you want to improve on and expect to see any real results. Search the Internet to help you look for the right pectoral exercises that will help you build a bigger chest. Look for chest specific work outs that best suit you and your life style, and that also fit into your schedule.

The only way to ensure that you will build any chest muscles at all is to make sure to train your entire pectoral muscle. A lot of guys continue to perform the same old exercises workout after workout, without changing things up at all. While it's certainly more comfortable to do this, it really doesn't do anything to force your chest muscles to grow. In order to ensure consistent muscle growth, get into the habit of training your chest muscles from different angles and positions. This will force your pectorals to get out of their comfort zone and grow!

Chest Workout Video

These days, I see a lot of guys who are completely over training their chest muscles. While it is true that in order to build a bigger chest, you will have to fit in some sort of chest specific workout, you simply do not need to train your chest multiple times each week. Focus on fitting in one intense chest workout each week and let your muscles rest for the remaining 6 days. This will build in some rest and recovery time that will go a long way towards ensuring some new muscle growth.

Split low rep (6-10 rep) mass gaining exercises and high rep (20-40 rep) toning and defining exercises into two separate workouts a couple of days apart. Once a month also go for very low rep (1-3 reps) maximal weight exercises to shock your muscles into gaining.

You can definitely hit the gym about 2 -4 times a week, but you need to be training a different muscle group or body part with each of your workouts. To build a bigger more muscular chest faster, you can do these exercises in a way that will force your pectorals to work like they have never worked before. In order to do this, you will need to train to the point where you cannot do any more reps for each set.

If you are really serious about building bigger chest muscles, you need to make sure you are consistent with your efforts. Too many guys hit the gym hard and heavy for a few weeks only to stop and completely give up on building a bigger chest. Piecing together effective chest workouts that incorporate the best pectoral exercises along with a well-balanced muscle gain diet with help you build a bigger more muscular chest naturally.

If you're ready to build chest muscles that catch the attention of everybody, then you need to learn how to train your upper body. Find out how to gain muscle mass naturally at!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How do I renovate an old Sailing boat?

By Mongo Torr

If you are interested in buying your own sailing boat or yacht and cannot really afford the price tag on a new one, then if you have a lot of time to spare rebuilding an old boat might be a much better decision. There are pitfalls however and here are some of them, writing them all down could fill a book! These are just the major Gotchas.

Firstly have a plan before you even set out to buy. Are you renovating the boat for yourself (time no object, could take years) or for resale (time 3 months max maybe)

Consider how are you going to do the restoration in order to set aside enough budget for its completion since it is very likely that you'll need to buy some parts, materials, and hire a space for you to work. Maybe you will need specialist labour for some parts of the job especially if it is a big sailing boat.

Don't forget that you may need a good clean working environment while doing the restoration and for a big boat it could possibly be challenging if you have to travel far.

Look at the different aspects of the boat yourself, rate it on its seaworthiness and visual appeal. Remember if you're doing it for your own personal use and you do not really care about the overall look then practically how it performs on water is a higher priority as opposed to making it look great and magnificent. If you are looking for resale then it may well be the other way around! Many fabulous gin palaces never leave harbour.

Before you buy check the boat out - DO get a professional marine survey done even if it costs a few hundred dollars it could save you thousands, the result can be used to argue the price down if its bad, if its good then grumble but keep it to yourself! Make CERTAIN the seller does actually have legal title to the boat especially if its a really good deal. Dont just take the receipts and run, ring the person he bought it from and check them out. Get the seller to sign a waiver saying that the boat is not held as security on a loan or partly owned by somebody else.

The truth is, expect you'll take some hard work in locating the various parts for the old boat and there are many means you can find what you are searching for for instance by posting in your regional publication, asking around, looking on Ebay and so on. Sometimes lumber for older boats such as mahogany is prohibitively expensive unless you buy an even scrappier donor boat.

Old J class Yacht (video)

Even the best made plans go wrong. Allow a contingency in both money and time, I would suggest 20% in money and 80% in time. Many things will take longer than you think!

If you use a carpenter try to use a good house carpenter especially on the boat interior rather than a specialist shipwright since they will be about half the price!

Learn more about sailing boats for sale.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Use Disposable Underwater Cameras to Document your Dive

By Arnold Bornleigh

The underwater digital camera is a brilliant creation that we should really feel very pleased with. Some experts such as marine photographers use underwater digital cameras in their business. Additionally, marine biologists and scientists use underwater digital cameras to capture pictures marine life for later study. But I think it is safe to assume that you are neither a marine scientist nor a professional photographer.

You are a member of Joe Public and want to capture underwater moments, but you just can't figure out how without ruining your camera. Please listen to the Professionals who say that even the best waterproof cameras can't withstand underwater photography. To become rated waterproof they are designed to resist the water in particular depth ranges.

How do you know in advance how far down exactly you may dive? Diving deep to capture the perfect shot is like throwing the camera out of the window into heavy traffic, it may get hit, it may not. Now if you are truly serious about making use of an underwater camera to catch those wacky and funny moments underwater, its best that you purchase specialty cameras. You will rarely find true underwater digital cameras, as cameras are electronic and can't endure water and water pressure well. The closest electronics has ever got to producing underwater digital cameras are producing underwater casings for digital cameras.

These casing will turn your standard digital camera into an underwater digital camera.If you are shooting with your underwater digital camera, you must take note of a few things that will help you come up with the best pictures underwater.Keep in mind that as you move farther under water, light diffuses. This means that your underwater digital camera will produce pictures darker than those images you took while on land. This is due to the light diffusion the red spectrum seems darker. To prevent this, use white balance to come up with natural colors. Also, pictures taken underwater will come up larger than pictures adopted land with the same zoom effect. Make sure to double check your underwater digital camera viewfinder to check the right picture angle and size that you want.

An underwater digital camera with a built-in flash will produce marine snow phenomenon. It's a phenomenon wherein your pictures come out as blurry and with white particles floating around it. To avoid this it is advisable to use an external flash for your underwater digital camera.

Before using your underwater digital camera, submerge the camera within the water first for several seconds then check no water has leaked in through the case. Make sure that no grain of sand or piece of hair is stuck in between the seals to confirm that water won't permeate the case at a deeper depth than you can manage in your bath. It is also recommended to put a silica gel pack or two inside the case of one's underwater digital camera so long as they do not disturb the camera operation.

Most underwater digital cameras come with optional lenses. Do not be afraid to add these lenses to your underwater digital camera kit. Macro lenses will help you to take pictures of small things without getting too close and startling your subject.

Finally when you finish, remember to always wash of salt when you are using it in salt water. When the salts are not washed off, in time they will crystallize; act as sands and cause leaks in the camera seals. In cases when sand does seem to get into the case, it is much better washed off with streams of water rather than wiping. Summing up, if you're really really serious on getting photo underwater, head out and check a specialist web site to look for your underwater cases for your digital cameras.

If you want more information on cheap underwater cameras, don't read just rehashed articles online to avoid getting ripped off. Go here: Disposable underwater camera

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sports Coaching - Energy Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

The Serbian tennis player, Novak Djokovic is on fire. After winning 43 straight matches, including 41 in 2011-- something that hasn't been done since 1984 -- he plowed through the quarter finals then the semi-finals at Wimbledon this year. Even if he had not won Wimbledon, his winning streak would have given him enough points to put him in the top spot, ranking him as the number one men's tennis player in the world. But, of course, he did win.

So what did Djokovic do to initiate such a dramatic energy boost? A gluten-free diet has been credited for the recent successes, according to the Wall Street Journal. As recent as last year, his on-court struggles with a lack of stamina and energy were evident when closing out matches. His serve became sloppy and his movement lacked the energy to hit closing shots. The shift to a gluten-free, low starch diet has left Djokovic feeling energized throughout his entire matches. As a result, he is not only sharper physically but also more importantly, mentally.

Even if you are not gluten sensitive, when you eliminate starch-based, refined and processed non-foods such as pizza, bread, pretzels, chips, pasta, potatoes, legumes, rice, and other high carbohydrate foods, you allow the body to reset itself metabolically. As a result, it stops drawing all its energy from sugar (all starchy carbohydrates are converted to sugar in the bloodstream), and begins to draw its source of energy from ketones, found in healthy fats and proteins. This is kind of similar to the way the Atkins diet works, and the same urinalysis strips can be used to test to make sure you are burning fats and not carbs.

The body (especially the brain) operates much more efficiently on ketones and so much so that your energy levels tend to skyrocket after you make the dietary shift. It takes time, however, usually about four to six weeks before the dreaded carb (sugar) cravings subside, but when it happens, don't be surprised if you'll feel as if you've transformed into Superman!

If you are gluten sensitive then you'll not only want to eliminate all foods containing gluten (such as all wheat-based products), but it would be wise to eliminate "cross-reactive" foods to gluten as well. Cross-reactivity is the reaction to substances that are either genetically or structurally similar to gluten because your immune system tends to associate them with gluten. Some of the most common cross-reactive substances are: casein (found in milk and cheese AND many off the shelf protein powders), oats, rye, barley, spelt, kamut, yeast products, coffee, and milk chocolate. Sugar is always sugar no matter what it looks like before you eat it. All starchy foods such as grains and legumes will be metabolized by the body as sugar.

Here's the bottom line. When we return to the diet of our paleolithic ancestors, the high fat and protein low carb diet that we, as the homo sapiens species followed consistently, day after day for over 250,000 years, our body's metabolism will become more compatible with our genetic physiology. It's all about the genes folks. The human body is simply not designed for this type of modern food onslaught we put it through.

Whatever sport you practice from Basketball to Yachting, a gluten free diet can help boost your energy levels, alertness, and stamina. Try it soon - it could be your next big thing!

Personal Life Coach, Jason Lincoln Jeffers, is the founder of The Art of Transformation, a company dedicated to teaching Spiritual Enlightenment to the world.